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sports club management system project in php

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Sports club management system Admin manage various game, tournament , schedule, booking request, news and team. Customer can register and log in to system. View team, tournament schedule and request for booking. Guest user view tournament, schedule and registration for tournament.
There are three modules
3.Guest user 
This module takes care of admin login. Admin controls all the queries in sports club. Admin decide all event and schedules of this sports club. He decided the playing team and extra players and also managing all details of sports club. 
  1. Manage Admin User.
  2. Approve Register Customer.
  3. Mange Games.
  4. Manage News.
  5. Manage Team.
  6. Manage Player.
  7. Manage Schedule.
  8. Manage Tournament.
  9. View Booking and confirm it.
  10. Send SMS.
  11. View Feedback.
  12. Generate various report 


There is a Customer login window, where only one login id of one student and administrator id and password by which a person enters the site. Hence it is more secure and reliable than previously used sports club. User name and password type correctly then enter the home page of this site.

  1. Request for Registration.
  2. Login to Portal.
  3. Manage Profile.
  4. View Tournament.
  5. View Schedule.
  6. View Team Details.
  7. Booking Request.
  8. Give Feedback 

Guest User:-  

  1. View Tournaments.
  2. View Tournaments Schedule.
  3. Registration for Tournaments 

Preferred Technologies:-

  1. Operating System    : Windows  XP/2003 or Linux 
  2. User Interface           : HTML, CSS , Bootstrap                                          
  3. Client-side Scripting : JavaScript
  4. Programming Language  :  PHP
  5. IDE/Workbench                 :  Net Beans
  6. Database                 :  My SQL
  7. Server Deployment      :  Apache


  1. Processor : CORE i3
  2. Hard Disk: 80 GB
  3. RAM         : 4 GB 


  1. Language Used               :   PHP
  2. Database                         :  My SQL 5.5
  3. Server used              :  Apache/2.4.3
  4. User Interface Design     :   HTML, AJAX, JavaScript  

Goals and Objectives

• To provide quality training using latest tools and technology.
• To prepare user for a constructive role in the knowledge society.
• To help players preparing games on latest technology.
• To provide an enabling environment for the development of players personality to improve confidence, spirits of enquiry and research To continuously upgrade ourselves with the changing needs and demands of the industry.
• To build a strong knowledge management system 




The development of this project has been a real challenge that has allowed me to consolidate many of the knowledge acquired during the four years of degree by putting them altogether on practise in a project. One of the main difficulties that have been faced in this project is that it has been developed from the very beginning, which has forced me to adapt all the roles that take part from the identification of the problem until the delivery of the solution.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the personal motivation that has brought me to develop this project and the will to deliver the best solution possible. Deliver the best solution possible is never an easy task, especially when your knowledge is limited and you don’t stop learning new things in every step forward. This leads you to question yourself if the way you are doing is actually the best way to do it, and look for different tutorials and examples until finally . Sometimes you never reach this conclusion and you must keep going forward before you get stuck for too much time, but eventually you end up finding a better way to do it

 Thanks to these difficulties and some more that may not be that relevant, this has allowed me to grow up in a personal and professional way by understanding better what means to start a project from zero and that performing a good planning of the project is a critical step to ensure that you will get the best of it.  It is an intranet that may not have all the capabilities that are required for a full club management task yet, but it is built over a solid structure that will allow to keep progressing with the project with the conviction that what has been done, has been done in the best way I have been capable of. For the future, there are many objectives remaining that have been also commented in this document, and probably there will be many more new added. In the end, this intranet should also allow any partner to subscribe or unsubscribe by themselves and have detailed information of the performance of their players. Coaches will be able to schedule their training sessions.

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Other Detail

Software Requirement :   xampp-win32-7.1.23-0-VC14-installer , notepad++

Hardware Requirement :   Intel Processor 2.0 GHz or above. • 2 GB RAM or more. • 160 GB or more Hard Disk Drive or above.

Application :  

Project Attachement

PPT sports clubs ppt file
Doc project sports club doc
Read me project file
Source Code sports club mgtsystem