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Providing Privacy of Digital Images against Various Attack

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As the internet users are increasing day by day, so privacy of there data is higly required for different kind of information. One of important digital data is image as it required that proprietor is maintain. But watermark issuing authority load is decrease by third party where image embedding is done by their respected watermark. This inclusion of third party has increase trust and decrease load of work. Watermarking is done at edge region of the image using LSB technique. So this invisible watermarking has not decrease the quality of the image. Experiment are done under different type of attack under which results are appreciable.

As digital world is growing drastically people are moving  towards different services provide by it. Some of this service are social network, online marketBut this technology give rise to new problem of piracy or in other words proprietary get easily stolen. So to overcome this different techniques are use for preserving the proprietary of the owner. One of such digital approach is watermarking which is a subsection of hiding information that is used to put some information in the original image which will specify the originality of the digital data like photographs, digital music, or digital video. One of the basic cause of the copyright issue is the ease available of the internet and some software that can modify the content as per the user requirement.

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Software Requirement :   MATLAB

Hardware Requirement :   • Intel Processor 2.0 GHz or above. • 2 GB RAM or more. • 160 GB or more Hard Disk Drive or above.

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