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php mysql multiple choice quiz source code.While everything is becoming digital to completely eradicate the paper works even in educational sectors. In schools and in collages electronic tools are used to educate children, while taking their exams teachers are using a computer system instead of exam sheets. Project tunnel is created as a platform where exams and quiz can easily be conducted and managed by the teachers. A simple Programming Quiz System is a project in which you will get all the functions to manage a quiz. Function is given in the project are mentioned below-
Here Student enters Roll No. which is allotted to them. Without entering roll no. students cannot take part in the quiz.
Main quiz page will appear with timer function. Same time period is allotted to each student to solve the quiz. If the student is not able to solve the quiz in the given time the quiz will be closed automatically.
Final result of the students will appear here.
Login function is there in the quiz project. Here admin can login with the id and password and can use the admin functions to create a quiz.
All admin related functions are here. Admin can view, add, delete, edit quiz in this section.
Manage Questions-
Can View All Questions-
Shows all the questions of all the quizzes in one page along with the right answers.
• Can Edit a Question-
Select one question from all the questions in all quizzes to edit.
• Can Delete Some Questions-
Select as many questions as you want to delete from the folder.
• Can Delete All Questions-
Delete all the questions from all the quizzes.