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online examination system project in java using netbeans

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online examination system project in java using netbeans.On-line Exam System is very valuable for  Educational Institute to prepare an exam, also  safe the time that will take to check the paper and prepare mark sheets. on-line exam system  will help the Institute to performance of students and enlarge their skills. But the difficulty is that  this system takes a lot of times when you prepare the exam at the first time for use so we have  needs number of computers as  number of students.
The powerful  use of On-line Exam System is that any Educational Institute or training center can be use it to develop their strategy for settle the exams, and for getting better results in less time.


The dynamic question generator portal creating for taking online test has the following stages:

  1. Registration
  2. Login
  3. Select Test Subject
  4. Report


For giving the test, the user has to register in the site with their valid information. After the registration, the user has access to login into the site and can access the test, also update profile, change password and view previous reports. 


There is a login window, where only one login id of one student and administrator id and password by which a person enters the site. Hence it is more secure and reliable than previously used on-line test examination.

Select Test:

Select Test page is the most creative and important page in this project. It consists of various subjects for test purpose like PHP, JAVA, HTML, Python etc. After choosing subject the test starts and user give the test. There is no time limit in this test, user submit the test, according to them.


After submit test, report of the test automatically shown in which total number of questions, number of attempted questions, number of attempted question and number of correct answer shows. 

Tools And Technique Used

Front-End Description:-

  • JAVA Enterprises Edition
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Java Script
  • Servlet
  • JSP
  • Spring
  • Hibernate
  • AJAX

Back end Description:-

MySqlServer 5.0:-The MySQL server provides a database management system with querying and connectivity capabilities, as well as the ability to have excellent data structure and integration with many different platforms. It can handle large databases reliably and quickly in high-demanding production environments. The MySQL server also provides rich function such as its connectivity, speed, and security that make it suitable for accessing databases.

The MySQL server works in a client and server system. This system includes a multiple-threaded SQL server that supports varied backbends, different client programs and libraries, administrative tools, and many application programming interfaces (API)s. 

Hardware Used:-

  • Processor                 -           Pentium 4
  • RAM                          -            512 Mb.
  • Hard Disk                  -           80 GB .
  • Monitor                    -           SVGA Color Monitor.
  • Keyboard                  -           Standard keyboard.
  • Mouse                       -          Standard mouse.

Software Used:- 

  • J2EE  as Front End (HTML,CSS, Java Script, Servlet, JSP, Spring, Hibernate, AJAX)
  • Apache-Tomcat-6.0.24 as a Web Server
  • Windows  Operating System
  • MySql Server 5.0 as Back End 

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Other Detail

Software Requirement :   Netbeans, jsp servlet, database-My Sql

Hardware Requirement :   Processor- Pentium 4 RAM- 512 Mb. Hard Disk - 80 GB . Monitor- SVGA Color Monitor. Keyboard - Standard keyboard. Mouse - Standard mouse

Application :  

Project Attachement

Source Code Online Examination full source code and doc