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library management system project in php





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Project tunnel has developed a project in PHP for making the management work easy in the library. Library holds a very important place in school, colleges and all educational sectors that’s why maintaining proper management is a very essential part. Now, management in the library has become very easy with the help of Library management system project in PHP. In this project following functions has established.

  1. A user can check details of all books in the library.
  2. An admin has the authority to issue books to the students.
  3. An admin can register students and teachers.
  4. List of students and teachers can be viewed by an admin.
  5. A student can check the return date from returning book option.
  6. A student can also request for a new book by selecting the option of add books.
  7. A login option for teachers is also there.
  8. The function of the notice board is also there where students and teachers can display notices about seminars.
  9. If a student wants to inquire about some books they can directly contact by selecting the contact option.
  10. Programs can also be arranged through this project where an author or a poet can take participation. 

Technologies used while developing a project 

Library management system project in PHP is designed by using PHP and MYSQL. The project is designed after deep analysis and complete study by our developers. The advanced technologies which are used under the Library management system project in PHP make the functioning easy and friendly to the user. The technologies which are used in the development of this project are given below-

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP

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Other Detail

Software Requirement : , notepad++

Hardware Requirement :   window 7/8/10

Application :  

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