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employee attendance management system project in php with source code

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employee attendance management system project in php is developed on  php ,JavaScript, Bootstrap, and CSS  and  using mysql database. Employee attendance system is a way of to maintain and manage the attendance employees. This project  has lots of features. Admin  and  employees  both  are important part of this project where employee can  login and logout and admin can view, add, delete, employee list and see the attendance monthly or yearly reports and many more. Admin provide employee attendance id card. He has full control on the system and system activities. User can update his profile, change photo, change password anytime because there is no limitation of time. Student can also download attendance management system in php demo. All the features are available in this project. The system automatically generates Payroll with each employee’s Deductions and Cash Advance. Student can get here complete project attendance management system using php with source code. Lot of collection of  PHP project with source code and database.

Modules of employee attendance system


User: admin

 Password: 6768689


User: employee

Password: 678687676 

Features of  employees attendance system:

1.Employee personal details: here employee can add his personal details like age, name, blood group, address, joining date, family details, passport details, bank account info and many more.

  1. Add and Edit : He can add and edit his details.
  2. Remove and View Employees: He can remove and view employees details.
  3. Manage Attendance: he can manage attendance.
  4. Overtime Works: he can see overtime works details.
  5. Advance Cash: he can advance cash of employees
  6. Deduction: How much time deduction.
  7. Manage Schedules: He can manage schedules

latest PHP projects here.

Brief overview of Technology:

  • Domain: Web technology
  • Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
  • HTML: HTML (Hyper text markup language)  is used to create and save web pages.
  • CSS: Css Use for  Create attractive design through (Cascading Style Sheets)
  • Bootstrap: Bootstrap is the most popular CSS Framework for developing responsive  website.
  • JavaScript: This  programming language, commonly use with web browsers.

Back end: PHP, MySQL

  • PHP: Hypertext Processor is a technology. It create dynamically generated web pages, in HTML.
  • Mysql:  (structure query language) open source relational database. MySql is a database, mostly used for accessing querying, updating, and managing data in databases.

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Other Detail

Software Requirement :   xampp 7.1 , notepad++

Hardware Requirement :   Intel Processor 2.0 GHz or above. • 2 GB RAM or more. • 160 GB or more Hard Disk Drive or above.

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