Research Project Provider for Hyderabad
Electronic Voting machine is a simple electronic device used to record votes automatically without the need of manual operation of ballot papers. Fundamental right to vote forms the basis of any Democracy. In all earlier elections, voters casted their votes to their favorite candidates by putting the stamp against his/her name. This is a long time consuming process and is prone to errors and can at times be an unfair process. To overcome all these difficulties and make the electoral process a fair one, implementation of electronic voting machine using controller is presented in this paper.
The Project Electronic Voting System is an interesting project which uses p89v51rd2 microcontroller as its brain. The project is designed for four contestants. Voters can poll their vote to any one of the contestant.
The p89v51rd2 microcontroller contains four ports of each eight pins. In this project one port is dedicated for micro switches for four contestants, master switch for polling officer. 4 LEDs are connected to indicate the switch bounce conditions. A simple yet powerful program is written in assembly language and burned into the microcontroller to accept votes and to count total votes polled.
Polling officer switch (master) is provided to avoid multiple polling of single voter. Every voter should get approval from the polling officer. If the polling officer issues approval with his control switch, then only a voter can poll his vote. This issuance of approval is indicated by an long buzzer beep.
Vote count are stored in PC and display the total number of votes polled and individual contestant-vise votes polled.
A buzzer is provided for audio effect of switch bounce. Whenever a switch is bounced, the system acknowledges the bounce by a short beep sound. This buzzer is driven by an NPN transistor. If voter tried to multiple polling long beep sound.
This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.
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