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Comparative study of conventional brick with fly ash and hypo-sludge brick

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James crawl


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With the increase in demand of the building material; conventional method of production of the brick has proven slow and hazard’s for the environment. Utilization of the waste for the production of brick is a major concern of this research work. From the literature, it has been clearly seen that there is a wide variety of waste which is taken into the consideration for brick production i.e. fly-ash, coconut ash, pond ash etc. hypo sludge is one of the waste from the paper industries which cannot be recycled hence a subsequent solution has to be found out to dispose these waste. Previous research work suggests that hypo-sludge can be used as replacement for the cement in concrete. So this work planned to use hypo sludge as an ingredient for bricks manufacturing and performing tests. Experiment is done on various set of mixing proportion of the material where different number of days samples are utilize for the examination of various properties of the brick. Results shows that proposed work has achieved good set of strength with increase in percentage of Fly-Ash and Hypo-Sludge. It was obtained that density of dry compacts decreases with increase in weight percentage of Fly-Ash and Hypo-Sludge. As the dry compacts are immersed in water at 1100C -1800C, then through capillary action voids are filled and it becomes hard and the porosity is eliminated. As a result of which the compacts become dense and finally the density increases with increase in Fly-Ash and Hypo-Sludge content. it is clear from SEM micrographs that 75 wt. % FA blend composite has splits which prompt decrement in compressive quality. As the level of FA is expanded there is a decent holding between the interfaces which prompts change in quality of the compacts. These perceptions affirm that expansion of frosty setting pitch powder in overabundance to fly fiery debris may not be valuable.

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Other Detail

Software Requirement :   No Requirement

Hardware Requirement :   Mix Proportioning Of Hypo Sludge Bricks: Sample bricks were prepared by varying the percentage composition of hypo sludge, fly ash and cement in the brick and keeping the percentage of sand constant.

Application :   Conclusions Hypo sludge behaves like cement because of silica and magnesium properties. Hypo sludge may be used as partial replacement of cement. Hypo sludge can also used as ingredient for brick manufacturing as it has silica contain and magnesium as well. Hypo sludge is the waste of paper industry which is cause of environmental issues during disposal so use of it as a building material can help in reducing pollution. So this work planned to use hypo sludge as an ingredient for bricks manufacturing and performing tests. Experiment is done on various set of mixing proportion of the material where different number of days samples are utilize for the examination of various properties of the brick. Results shows that proposed work has achieved good set of strength with increase in percentage of Fly-Ash and Hypo-Sludge.

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