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blood bank management system project in php




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Blood bank management system project is a web based project that is designed on php with database mysql. This project helps in managing various blood bank operations effectively. There are several features such as patient name, contacts, blood booking and requirements of blood group etc. This project also helps people find blood donors in times of need. There are two types of logins first one is admin and another one is user. Admin has full control of the system like add ,delete, manage add state, members and city. User can see request for blood and donate blood. Student can download more projects in php and also download projects in php with source codeThis project is designed very simple and you can understand easily and download it without any problem. Download Best projects in php with source code.

Modules of blood bank project system

  1. Login/register: can login into system.
  2. Admin panel: he can see add , delete and update details.
  3. Request for blood: user can request here for blood.
  4. Donate blood: can donate blood
  5. Manage: manage members, city and add state.

Technology language

  1. Php: Hypertext Preprocessor is a technology that allows software developers to create dynamically generated web pages, in HTML.
  2. Html: (hyper text markup language) is used to create and save web pages.
  3. JavaScript: this is programming language widely use with web browsers.
  4. Css: Used for creativity layout (Cascading Style Sheets).
  5. Bootstrap: used for responsive design. This is the popular css framework.

Database connection

  • Mysql: mysql is a database used for updating and managing for database connection.

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Other Detail

Software Requirement :   xampp , notepad++

Hardware Requirement :   window 7/8/10

Application :  

Project Attachement

Source Code Bloodbank