Project Discription
COVID19 Testing Management System Using PHP and MySQL
Covid19 testing management system project is developed in PHP. This system will provide a good assistant in maintaining testing data not only for administration but also for users (patients) to get the information in real time.
On the website users can find information about the page, coronavirus, virus symptoms and preventive measures briefly. First users or patients register themselves, then they can select the test type in which they want testing.
This project mainly has two modules –
1. Admin module
2. User or Patients module.
- This project mainly helps admins in administering the testing process. So it has many features to edge admin work; some of the features are discussed in the following points given below :
- Secure login with authentication.
- Dashboard – in this section, one can have an overview of total tests, total assigned, sample collection, sample in lab, report etc.
- Manage phlebotomist by adding, updating or deleting.
- Manage testing by adding new tests, assigning tests, updating sample collection report i.e. on the way for sample collection, sent to lab, collected sample etc.
- After testing, generate reports and update it on site to download.
User / Patients
- Can know about symptoms and preventive measures from the homepage of the site.
- New users can register for testing.
- Can select the type of test he/she wants to conduct.
- See live updates about testing all over the country.
- Can check testing report status.
- Can download testing reports online.
Other Detail
Software Requirement :
Xampp 7.1 and notepad ++ or any other editor.
Hardware Requirement : 2 GB Ram with processor and harddisk.
Project Attachement
Source Code
pathology sample and testing management code files